

The Sun’s extended atmosphere, i.e., solar wind, and the Earth’s magnetic field interact, giving rise to an integrated system in the near-Earth space driven by the transfer of mass, momentum, and energy from the Sun. This complex system is characterized by coupling and feedback as well as preconditioning and memory.

I study interactions between the solar wind, magnetosphere and ionosphere, in particular, space-weather disturbances (e.g., storm, substorm, dynamic pressure variations), global plasma circulation, and large-scale current systems, using a combination of data analysis and numerical simulation.

What’s Happening in the Group?

  • I am looking for talented, creative, and highly motivated postdocs and graduate students to join the group. Please contact me if you are interested.
  • Aug. 21, 2024: Congratulations to Grace! Her NASA Heliophysics FINESST proposal has been selected. The proposal title is “The impact of storm-time ionospheric density structures on ion upflow flux“.
  • Aug. 2023: Congratulations to Yulu as a winner of the 2023 MIPSE Graduate Fellowship!
  • Aug. 2023: Congratulations to Grace as a winner of the 2022 Rackham Merit Fellowship!
  • Aug. 23, 2022: Congratulations to Alanah! Her NASA Heliophysics FINESST proposal has been selected. The proposal title is “SEA-EPB: A Statistical and Event Analysis of Super Equatorial Plasma Bubbles”.
  • Jun. 28, 2021: Congratulations to Alanah as a winner of the 2021 CEDAR workshop undergraduate poster Honorable Mention award! Her presentation title is “Statistical and event analysis of phase and amplitude scintillations associated with polar cap patches”.
  • Mar. 24, 2021: Congratulations to Alanah as a winner of the 2021 Rackham Merit Fellowship!
  • Mar. 20, 2021: Congratulations to Alanah as a winner of the 2021 Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery & Engineering (MICDE) Fellowship!
  • Mar. 06, 2020: Congratulations to Zihan as a winner of the 2020 Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement.
  • Feb. 26, 2020: Congratulations to Zihan as a winner of the 2019 AGU Outstanding Paper Award! The presentation title is “Segmentation of Storm-Enhanced Density by Boundary Flows Associated with Westward Drifting Partial Ring current”.